Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Who is Terrible in the Terrible Two's

I have often heard of the phrase "The Terrible Two's", well I wonder what this is and to whom the word "terrible" is associated to. On the surface I understand it to be a nasty time during the developmental of a child. Well I have stopped now to wonder if a child can actually be "nasty" when the child is about two years of age. What is this age and what makes the child terrible?. Well observing my own child I think this is time when the child has passed the age of full development of his senses i.e vision, hearing, touch, taste and smell. What has developed in these in neurological terms is actually the pathways to the brain from the sense organs. what we need to notice is that the brain is still in the stage or development and would be in development for the rest of the child's life into its adult development.

Well how can we make sense of this "terrible two"? Let me take two perspectives one from an adult or the so called parent position and the other the child position. First let me state that it is quite obvious that the adult such as you and me are in a different plane, which means that we have passed that age and now gone into a higher place, which means that it naturally places us in a position to pass a judgment about some one in the lower plane. Our judgment "we think" arises from our expertise. What are we expecting from a child. We expect "discipline" and why do we need to this, so that the child can fit into our society and function well in our society. We expect our child to develop certain behavior that will help him/ her to be good to people around

If we ever did understand what their world is then one would never have found or invented the phrase :"The terrible two's"

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Today my brother's closest friend died. Battling form cancer which was diagnosed only about eight months back leaves one is state of dismay about how life is so unpredictable.

Life is definitely unpredictable, but are we really vulnerable to this unpredictability? NO, we are more vulnerable to the choices we make during those unpredictable circumstances. We realize now that if it was not for chemotherapy, Sanjeet would have lived longer...are we right in our thinking? can we make this assumption?

Well the tumor on his pancreas were 13 cms when it was diagnosed last December 2012, he went for a general medical check up not even thinking that it was necessary, unfortunately it turned out that it was a tumor, detected by ultrasound.. what happened was an unsuccessful attempt to operate on and remove it, so began the proceeding 8 cycles of chemotherapy.

As soon as the chemotherapy cycles were done, what seemed only a gradual development of tumor, spread and multiplied as if the chemotherapy was fueling the rapacious growth. Would he have survived  more longer if the chemo was not done? This is the question at large....

Did we do the right choice by option for chemo? well the doctors advised it! so surely for the sake of good and best choice we went for it. Chemo was to kill the alien cells, but what about the good ones, would they have an eternal shield and the divine power to tolerate and fend the poisonous medications. Well the doctors thought the medications were sacred and that it would not harm the good cells, so how could we possibly imagine a situation where we think about this.

We also wonder if doctors ever think about life as life itself? possibly not. What they presume is that the key to good life lies their science.  Agreed that doctors have a long and arduous training in their profession and that they are destined to save lives by their oath, but at what cost?.

Going purely by science has cost many lives, and will create more misery. Life is not science, life is an art. With the excellent knowledge that doctors have about the human body, what is needed is not they are to be more creative and 

The choices made during the terminal illness is one of that of getting rid of the illness at any cost. But is this all..

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

How many toys to buy

I looked, 
with desperation for toys that could keep my child engaged,
and had to choose those those that would interest a child's mind.

I looked with caution for something with endurance
I looked for something that could survive being fallen

I looked for something that would be flashy
I looked for something with music
I looked for something that was big

I looked inside myself and i saw what i looked
I looked at the falseness of what i was looking
I looked to keep my child engaged with toys of all kinds
I looked to distract my child with materials 
I looked at how I fooled myself
I looked at ways to distract my child
I looked at keeping my child away from me.

Toys are such important aspects of children.
I did buy a lot of toys, and I did spend considerable amount of time things about various toys I could buy. I often worried about the affordability of something that my child needed and that I could provide.

Children are wonderful beings, Its really amazing the amount of energy young children have. They are relentless and they are creative. They are highly imaginative and they are highly focused. They never tire from repetition.